

By Erez Cohen, August Health In collaboration with the American Seniors Housing Association (ASHA), August Health recently published a survey of clinical leaders from senior living operators across the nation. The report included findings on gaps in clinical reporting, strategies for fall reduction, and new care models and technologies. One recurring theme though, was that of the challenges around staffing — hiring, retaining, training and improving the quality of senior living professionals.  It is unsurprising that clinical leaders report so many issues around staffing. Caregivers face an environment that can be stressful, …

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Scott Wede Seniors Housing Risk Elevators quote

Any property owner knows the headaches that arise when an elevator malfunctions. In senior living facilities, such problems have the potential to escalate into a crisis very quickly. Emergency communications in senior care facilities are vitally important, not only to protect the health and safety of residents and visitors but also to minimize disruptions to staffing resources. If there is an emergency, that call has to go somewhere. In senior living facilities, that destination is often the nursing station. “We consistently hear about nursing shortages, with staff being pulled in …

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How are you using technology to lower expenses, increase revenue or otherwise improve profit margins? Tracking equals success By Bennett Porson, Chief Financial Officer, While our clients’ rent levels are confined to tight windows of gradual upticks, proper care scheduling, delivery and billing have proven to significantly improve their NOIs. These communities’ bottom-line improvements have been driven by effectively managing resident care and recouping care charges that would have otherwise gone undocumented and unbilled.  The process begins with automated assessment-to-care plan workflows and extends to real-time actionable data. Our …

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By Eric Taub There’s no other topic that has generated as much attention in the general and business press in the past year as artificial intelligence (AI). Based on the breathless coverage, one could imagine that the technology has just been invented. In actuality, it’s been around for years.  AI fuels such voice recognition products as Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri, as well as chatbots, customer service scripting and Netflix’s viewing suggestions, among others.  However, with the release of ChatGPT, awareness of AI technology has come to the masses. Today, …

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Post acute care technology trends quote Matrixcare

Changing Medicare requirements for risk-based programs are putting new pressure on seniors housing operators and skilled nursing facilities that provide post-acute care (PAC) to people recently released from hospitals. Standards for the quality of care are becoming stricter just as innovations in record keeping, data analysis, voice recognition technology and smart room sensors are maturing. These new technologies — including many powered by artificial intelligence (AI) — combined with electronic health records (EHRs) can help operators adapt to the enormous changes coming to the seniors housing business. “We really put …

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Safer Senior Living transition as panelists talk about FCC regulations and telephone systems

The Sept. 26 webinar “Safer Senior Living — Next-Gen Emergency Response Solutions,” sponsored by Kings III Emergency Communications, covered many aspects of managing risk within seniors housing communities. This brief discussion highlighted new emergency communication technology, the challenges of traditional phone lines due to the 10-72A1 order from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), as well as best practices for code compliance. The panelists also broke down the benefits of cellular technology over voice over internet protocol (VoIP) systems, services for high-risk areas, two-way communication services and video monitoring in elevators. …

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AUSTIN, Texas — Offerd has expanded into seniors housing with the addition of Scott McCorvie, a 20-year seniors housing investment veteran.  McCorvie previously worked for a national seniors housing valuation and advisory firm, two national healthcare REIT and a national seniors housing consulting firm, in addition to launching two regional seniors housing owner-operator investment firms. Over his career, he has helped close over $1 billion dollars of seniors housing transactions in markets throughout the United States. Offerd integrates technology, data intelligence and customized services into one acquisition and transaction platform. …

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DENVER — LifeLoop, a Denver-based resident and staff experience solution for senior living, has acquired Linked Senior, an evidence-based resident engagement platform supporting person-centered care.  This acquisition brings together two senior living resident experience solutions. This merger comes as the industry actively prepares to support the influx of 76 million seniors who are aging into and exploring senior living care and lifestyle options. This need is compounded further by ongoing caregiver and staffing shortages that impact operators’ ability to provide exceptional services and experiences. “Mission alignment was essential for us …

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ATLANTA — House Analytics, an Atlanta-based commercial real estate analytics company with seniors housing and student housing branches, has appointed Natalie Cheney as its CEO. Cheney has a track record of driving growth and innovation in software and will seek to scale and expand the company’s offerings. Previously, Cheney has held various C-Suite positions and was instrumental in multiple exits for those respective businesses. Founder Charlie Matthews will continue to work closely with Cheney as the company’s chief growth officer.

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There are many ways to renovate an existing seniors housing property, but one of the most complicated may be expanding and renovating a community while it’s still occupied. That was the challenge faced by Volunteers of America (VoA) Massachusetts when it wanted to add a third floor to its Concord Park Senior Living community in Concord, Massachusetts, while also renovating all existing units and common areas and completely replacing the heating and cooling system. Representatives from VoA were joined by several project partners on June 4 for a webinar titled …

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