
Seniors Housing Contrarians Webinar panel

The June 27 webinar “Meet Seniors Housing’s Contrarians — A Handful of Investors Go Big in a Challenging Environment” covered the difficulties and opportunities in seniors housing, including the impact of rising interest rates, the rise of regional operators and best practices for meeting regulatory requirements. The panel of industry experts also shared insights on managing troubled assets and adapting to post-pandemic challenges in the healthcare real estate industry. Despite concerns about affordability and rising insurance costs, there were signs of growth and opportunity in the sector. Speakers emphasized the …

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METUS Webinar Seniors Housing Renovation

The June 4 webinar “Resident-Focused Renovation — A Seniors Housing Success Story” explored a case study in renovation and elaborated on what this project reveals about key trends in seniors housing renovations. The discussion also covered best practices for renovating a senior living community with minimal disruption to residents as well as maximum energy and cost savings for owners and operators. Occupied renovation in the senior living space can be challenging, but all three panelists assert that keeping residents in place while upgrading technology can be a viable, cost-efficient option …

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    The Dec. 7 webinar “What Will 2024 Hold for Seniors Housing Investment & Acquisition Activity?” covered where the industry stands now and how experts are preparing to succeed in 2024. Webinar panelists listed factors like interest rates, wages, insurance costs, inflation, margin compression, resident move-ins and bank short sales as market indicators for the health of seniors housing. Learn their outlook and forecasts for what the industry may face in the new year. The speakers covered transaction activity, cap rate trends, capital availability and pricing, as well as the …

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  The Oct. 17 webinar “Inside the Resident Room: In-Unit Data Helps Seniors Housing OperatorsImprove Safety & Increase Profitability“ focused on how resident room data can help seniors housing operators improve patient outcomes and reduce operating costs. During this brief, one-hour discussion, seniors housing industry experts talked about some of the most challenging and important topics facing the world of senior living: staffing crises, ballooning costs, data gathering tactics and increasing resident safety while maintaining their privacy. Listen in to learn more about senior living technology and its role in fall prevention, …

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  The Sept. 28 webinar “The Do’s and Don’ts of Marketing Automation for Seniors Housing“ focused on how growing occupancy at properties can effectively counter the headwinds the industry is currently facing. Automation can make for smart and effective marketing, but what are the best practices when it comes to streamlining and messaging? Tune in to learn how repetitive (and often manual) tasks can be overhauled by an overall strategy that automates marketing at a scale that’s both appropriate and human. Learn about particular industry challenges, seniors housing industry trends and how …

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  The Sept. 14 webinar “It’s the Dog Days of the Senior Living Investment Market — How to Find theCreativity Needed to Overcome Capital Markets Crunch“ analyzed the outlook throughout today’s seniors housing market. Operations recovery, development, transaction trends, capital availability and pricing were all points of discussion for an hour-long conversation between a six-person panel of industry experts. Where are there opportunities and how is the seniors housing world adapting to the current environment? Click here to find out more about what experts are seeing in the capital markets landscape. Major …

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  The September 6 webinar “Technology & Seniors Housing — How to Achieve Smart, Streamlined &Standardized Business Systems” focused on how operators can optimize technology to meet resident and family expectations while operating as efficiently as possible. See how industry experts are encouraging a more cohesive approach to systems in seniors housing by consolidating their tech stack. This webinar covers the importance and the components of a strategic technology plan, the impact of resident and family experiences, plus how residents are using engagement technology currently (including announcements, social calendars, maintenance, meal ordering and …

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  The June 29 webinar “Seniors Housing Success Stories — Companies that are Rising Above the Headwinds“ focused on what leading seniors housing firms are doing to alter their businesses, streamline operations, increase occupancy and strategize in terms of deal volume and investment. Industry difficulties, including labor shortages, inflation and interest rates, have highlighted the need for expertise and well-informed approaches to the seniors housing sector recovery. Click to watch this hour-long discussion that considers both operations and trends in transaction activity. See how strategies and outlooks have shifted since last …

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Lument Laca Wong-Hammond ESOP quote

  Owners and operators considering an exit strategy today face a challenging economic environment. Higher interest rates have slammed capital markets. Valuations are in flux. Transactions have slowed. And the pool of potential buyers has dwindled. As an alternative to an outright sale to a third-party, an often-overlooked option is an exit to an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP). These plans allow business owners to sell all or part of the company’s stock to employees, allowing owners to diversify wealth away from the business while limiting their future liability. Ultimately, …

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  The April 19 webinar “Seniors Housing & CRM: Can You Predict the Future?” is all about data — how best to use it to drive strategy and decisions, especially in the near future. Join sponsor WelcomeHome Software and a panel of seniors housing industry experts as they discuss customer relationship management (CRM) technology and analyze the WelcomeHome Year In Review: 2022 report. This hour-long webinar highlights the report’s findings and the best strategies in terms of occupancy, referrals and metrics to track within communities. Timestamps of major topics covered: (3:24) Report summary Occupancy since …

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