DALLAS — Keith Johannessen, president and chief operating officer of Capital Senior Living Corp. (NYSE: CSU), has died after a battle with cancer.
Company News
LOS ANGELES and NEW YORK CITY — The shareholders of Colony Capital Inc. (NYSE: CLNY), NorthStar Asset Management Group Inc. (NYSE: NSAM) and NorthStar Realty Finance Corp. (NYSE: NRF) have all approved the planned merger of the three companies into one REIT.
DALLAS — JLL (NYSE: JLL) has acquired the Dallas affiliate of Integra Realty Resources (IRR), a network of independent commercial real estate valuation, counseling and advisory firms. The acquisition further strengthens JLL’s services in Texas, following the company’s October acquisition of IRR’s Houston affiliate.
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Kindred Healthcare Inc. (NYSE: KND) plans to buy the 36 skilled nursing facilities it currently operates for Ventas for $700 million. The move is the latest step in Kindred’s plan to fully exit the skilled nursing business. The company will presumably try to sell the facilities that it will now both own and operate.
DALLAS — Senior Quality Lifestyles Corporation (SQLC), a nonprofit seniors housing developer and operator based in Dallas, has announced its plans to purchase Seniority Inc., an operator and marketing, sales and consulting firm currently owned by fellow nonprofit operator American Baptist Homes of the West (ABHOW).
LOUISVILLE, KY. — Kindred Healthcare Inc. (NYSE: KND) plans to fully exit the skilled nursing business, the Louisville-based healthcare owner-operator announced Monday afternoon during a third-quarter earnings call. Kindred posted a $671.3 million loss in the third quarter.